Gold is Alien? Gold Can Treat Cancer? We All Contain Gold?
45 Amazing-ish Facts Guaranteed to Up Your Gold Trivia Knowledge to Super-Genius
In a universe of elective realities and phony news, we’ve checked and twofold checked each of the 45 of these realities about gold – and each one’s a victor!
Aside from reality #45 we don’t guarantee you’ll make bank – however your psyche will be all the more extravagant for it…
#1: More steel is produced in 60 minutes than all the gold across all of human history
On normal 1,700 million metric huge loads of steel are delivered a year – or 195,000 MT/hour. At a thickness of 7.7g/cm3, one hour’s worldwide steel creation yields a shape with sides a little more than 96 feet (29m) long.
All gold creation – ever – can scarcely deal with a 3D square with sides 69 feet in length (21m)
#2: Gold has been found on every continent on earth
Gold has in a real sense been found on each and every landmass on the planet – in spite of the fact that mining is prohibited in Antarctica.
#3: Most of the gold ever discovered is still in use today
Gold’s high worth guarantees the metal is taken care of cautiously, with broken, harmed or obsolete items containing gold being reused for their metal substance.
Notwithstanding this current, it’s assessed 80% of the world’s gold is as yet covered profound inside the ground.
#4: More than 75% of all mined gold has been extracted since 1910
75% of all gold presently in vaults and course has been mined and refined starting around 1910.
#5: Approx. 90% of the world’s gold stocks have been mined since the 1849 California gold rush
Preceding gold initially being found at Sutter’s Mill in 1848 complete worldwide gold possessions were just 10% of what we presently hold
#6: Gold is so pliable, a single ounce of gold can stretch to a 50 mile long thread
Gold can be transformed into an unadulterated gold sewing string, as adaptable as silk and has been utilized since the beginning of time as a lavish adornment on lofty outfits and robes.
On the off chance that strength isn’t an issue an ounce of gold can be turned into a solitary string 1250 miles in length at a thickness of one micron.
#7: Just 1oz of gold can be beaten into a sheet measuring 100 square feet
Since gold is so pliable it tends to be beaten or moved into exceptionally meager sheets – with a solitary ounce smoothing out to cover 100sq ft. Gold can squeezed no sweat into sheets under 0.1 microns thick – copy paper is multiple times thicker!
Whenever squeezed adequately slim, gold can become cloudy, with super-flimsy sheets taking on a green/blue tint since gold mirrors red and yellow light.
#8: Gold is edible
Notwithstanding gold having zero healthy benefit, it has an European Food Additive “E number” – E175.
The FDA notwithstanding, doesn’t list gold as a food added substance.
#9: We are all made of gold
Incredibly the human body contains roughly 0.2mg gold, generally inside our blood.
It would take the blood of north of 155,000 individuals for the US Mint to make a 1oz Gold Buffalo – a stunt the IRS has not yet figured out how to consummate.
#10: Gold’s chemical symbol in the periodic table is Au
The image Au comes from the latin word aurum, “sparkling first light” – additionally Aurora the Roman goddess of the day break.
#11: Earthquakes turn water into solid gold
Australian researchers say seismic tremors can make gold be shaped close momentarily when breaks in profoundly compressed rocks open permitting gold held in a watery answer for harden.
“[This process] may support the arrangement of up to 80 percent of the world’s gold stores.”
#12: Until recently gold was THE global currency
The best quality level has been supplanted by a fiat (Latin for “let it be done”) standard. Where cash in your pocket was once supported by gold in a vault, this is not true anymore.
This permits legislatures to print cash at whatever point they need it without a prerequisite to back it with something besides a guarantee.
#13: Non-gold currencies will always fail – eventually
As per an investigation of 775 government issued types of money, there has never been a recorded priority where a government issued money has prevailed with regards to holding its worth over any timescale more noteworthy than 5 years.
The review records 609 monetary forms that have fizzled or never again flow – and of these 153 passed on because of excessive inflation.
#14: Gold is an excellent protector against inflation
Gold has kept up with it’s purchasing power across history – but when valued in US dollars, we see a normal value ascent of 9% consistently for the beyond 45 years.
Gold hasn’t really acquired in esteem, it’s simply that the US dollar like all government issued types of money loses a tad bit of it’s worth consistently.
#15: Gold grows on trees
Australian scientists have observed little hints of gold in the leaves of Eucalyptus trees.
These infinitesimal gold particles have gone up from underground mineral stores on account of Eucalyptus trees having grown extremely long roots in their chase after water.
#16: There’s more gold in a ton of old PCs than 17 tons of gold ore
More gold can be recuperated from scrap PCs than the best of gold bearing metals ton for ton.
Recuperation specialists say there is multiple times more gold in a huge load of scrap cellphones than in a limited scale gold mine.
Apple recuperated 2,204 pounds of gold from broken iPhones in 2015 – with a worth of $51,425,600.
#17: The world’s biggest gold bar weights 551 lb
The 551lb (250kg) beast bar measures 17.9in × 8.9in at 6.7 inches high and was fabricated by Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, an auxiliary of Mitsubishi.
At $50,957/kg, the bar is at present worth an incredible $12,739,250!
#19: Your wedding ring is constantly shrinking
Since gold is a delicate metal, essentially wearing your wedding band makes 6 milligrams be lost because of harm consistently.
On the off chance that one billion wedding bands are being worn whenever, this implies we’re losing an aggregate 6 tons of gold every year.
#20: It was illegal for US citizens to own gold
U.S. residents were banned from storing gold in 1933’s Executive Order 6102.
Under Franklin Roosevelt’s regulation, possessing gold was deserving of a fine of up to $10,000 (equiv to $190,000 today) or potentially 10 years in jail.
The law remained from 1933 to 1974 at last being canceled on January 1, 1975,
#21: Gold is alien
Practically all gold on Earth was conveyed by extraterrestrial rocks – shooting stars assaulting the planet over the space of 200 million years.
Hitting the then exceptionally volcanic earth, the gold sunk into the planet’s fluid center where the cooling rock held the metal to be found by future diggers.
#22: The Earth’s core contains enough gold for a thick coat over the planet’s entire surface
Because of it’s siege by gold-loaded extraterrestrial shakes, the Earths center contains sufficient gold that could see the planet’s surface canvassed in a layer of strong gold north of 12 feet thick.
#24: We only have 52,000 tonnes of mineable gold left on Earth
The US Geological Survey gauges there are just 52,000 tons of gold still in the ground that are equipped for conventional extraction – albeit the larger part can’t be extricated productively at really near gold’s present costs.
It’s assessed there might be just 20 years worth of gold left on the planet that can be mined utilizing current innovation.
#25: Gold is sent from the Gods
Gold has for quite some time been related with a heavenly circle, both in pre-Christian and in Christian religion. Antiquated Egyptians believed gold to be the skin or tissue of their divine beings – specifically the sun god Ra. The Inca trusted that gold to be the perspiration of the Sun god, Inti.
There are north of 400 references to gold in the Bible, including explicit guidelines from God to cover furniture in the sanctuary with “unadulterated gold.”
Also obviously gold was one of the gifts given by the Magi to the Christ kid.
#26: Aurophobia is the fear of gold
Aurophobia casualties can endure fits of anxiety, quick breathing, queasiness, sporadic heartbeat, or slow breathing and the side effects are typically set off when the victims sees or is nearby gold.
Chrysophilia then again is the adoration for gold.
#27: Gold was thought to cure The Plague
During the fourteenth century, gold was supposed to be a solution for the bubonic plague.
Victims were made to drink an answer of powdered gold and squashed emeralds.
#28: Gold can treat cancer
The infusion of gold into the body could assist with battling specific types of disease.
Research led at Rice University in Texas, alongside the MD Anderson Cancer Center and different establishments has shown how infusing gold nano-particles into the body sees them gather around a growth – which is then impacted with close infra red light.
During this cycle the gold nano-particles transform the light into heat, concentrating heat onto the growth and killing it.
#29:The Greeks thought gold was a dense combination of water and sunlight
Antiquated Greeks believed gold to be a profoundly focused combination of water and light, sparkling like the sun and streaming in liquid state like water.
#30: The Greeks were almost right part 1: the sun is made of gold
The sun contains 2,340,000,000,000,000,000 huge loads of gold – which is 1.6 times as much gold as we have water in the Earth’s seas.
#31: The Greeks were almost right part 2: the sea is made of gold
Or possibly the ocean contains a LOT of gold held in arrangement. The world’s seas are loaded up with very nearly 20 million tons of gold.
In spite of having a worth in overabundance of $900 Trillion – right now there’s no savvy technique for eliminating this gold from seawater.
#32: Love Gold? Move to Lebanon
After Switzerland, the country with the world’s biggest gold stores per resident is right now Lebanon.
Every single resident of Lebanon claims a 1.66oz portion of the country’s gold versus the US where our portion is just 0.92oz.
Truth be told the US is set eighth, behind Switzerland, Lebanon, Netherlands Antilles, the Eurozone, Aruba, Kuwait and Singapore.
#33: Love Gold and overweight? Move to Dubai
To battle a quickly “developing” populace, Dubai hit upon giving it’s residents 1g of gold for each kilo in weight they lost.
At first centered around Dubai’s grown-up populace, the program paid out $762,340 in gold during it’s first year and from 2014 offered twofold the gold prize for overweight youngsters.
#34: Indian housewives own the most gold in the world
Such is the affection for gold in India, that Indian housewives hold 11% of the world’s whole gold property.
At an expected 25,000 tons, that is more gold than the stores of the U.S., IMF, Switzerland and Germany added together.
#35: Gold was the first metal to be discovered
Gold (alongside silver and copper) were the main metals to be found in nature and utilized by people – at around 5000 B.C.
Gold, Silver and Copper are on the whole instances of “local metals” – that is metals which normally happen in a generally unadulterated state – thus they were clearly uncommon when previously found.
Gold and copper are additionally the main two non-white-hued metals in the intermittent table
#36: Gold can be really easy to find
Since gold can be found in enormous grains and pieces, or in simple to mine fixations there were a few areas in our initial reality where it was practically hard NOT to view as gold.
The Spanish word for this sort of gold find is “mother lode” – an expression we actually use to portray a surprising fortune.
#37: Gold finds can be highly concentrated
Since the year 1500, we’ve had the option to mine 100,000 tons of gold – and of that, more than 40% has come from a solitary area: Witwatersrand, in South Africa.
Found between 1852-1886, South Africa’s gold and the different cases on it, were a portion of the primary variables prompting the Anglo Boer War of 1899-1902.
#38: Gold’s production costs a lot more than money
Albeit “all-in supporting expenses,” put the cost of removing an ounce of gold at more than $1,000 industry-wide, the expense goes past simple cash.
Delivering a solitary ounce of gold requires a great deal of assets: 38 worker hours, 1400 gallons of water, enough power to run an enormous house for ten days, and the utilization of poisonous synthetics like cyanide, acids, lead, borax, and lime.
Working circumstances can be awful with goldmines in South Africa slipping similar to 12,000 feet with inside temperatures in abundance of 130°F.
#39: 500,000 people work in the gold mining industry extracting 2,500 tonnes per year
That is just 160oz per individual each year – and as new gold gets more challenging to extricate, these numbers are dropping each year.
“Top Gold” was reached in 2001 when world gold mining delivered a record 2,600 tons, but it has tumbled off year-on-year since.
#40: Thank the French for gold measurements
Gold is estimated in “Official Ounces” – the term coming from the french town of Troyes, where an arrangement of loads and measures was created in the medieval times to precisely esteem valuable metals and diamonds.
One official ounce approaches 1.09714 oz.
#41: Gold measurement is also “nuts”
Gold immaculateness is estimated in carats, a word coming from the Greek keration or the carob tree.
This is on the grounds that the seeds of a carob tree were accepted to be generally a similar weight – and assuming an unadulterated gold coin gauged 24 carob seeds, this would continue to became 24 carat.
#42: Gold is inert
Gold’s known as a “honorable metal” – in that it’s synthetically latent, never rusts, discolors or disintegrates.
While most metals will break down in corrosive, gold requirements a concentrated combination of acids called Aqua Regia (Regal water or rulers water) to disintegrate. Water Regia is a combination of nitric corrosive and hydrochloric corrosive.
#43: Gold doesn’t cause skin irritations
Since gold is idle this implies it’s non-receptive to skin, regardless of whether you other savvy experience the ill effects of sensitivities.
On the off chance that gold adornments causes tingling or bothering, it’s not unadulterated gold.
#44: Dentists use 60 tons of gold every year
Delicate and non-receptive, with no taste, gold makes an incredible material for fillings – and dental specialists utilize 2% of our yearly gold mining creation.
Bernstein, Peter L. The Power of Gold: The History of An Obsession. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2000.
#45 Gold is used to protect wealth during financial crises
Gold has been a phenomenal medium all of the time for the capacity of abundance, safeguarding against expansion and going about as a place of refuge speculation during seasons of unrest.
During the accident of 2008 and the subsequent long downturn, gold’s worth took off as paper resources, stocks, bonds and land dove.
You can get more familiar with how gold demonstrations in our free Gold Guide and Investor Kit, conveyed 100 percent for nothing direct to your doorstep.